Release Notes

v.5.0.0 Release (November 25, 2021)


  • Introduced new screenshot tool
  • Added range parameter for enhanced x-ray view


  • Made opening multiple point clouds from the same site more intuitive


  • Redesigned the look of UI elements
  • Optimized UI for 4K and other high-resolution displays 
  • Added collapsible sidebar featuring key tools 
  • Updated Object Inspector design 
  • Redesigned point cloud material attributes 

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed incompatibility issue with latest game-ready NVIDIA graphics card driver
  • Fixed crashes in WEBM video rendering 
  • Fixed problem of incomplete opening of XYZ files with invalid lines 
  • Fixed issue where writing TFW files failed

v.4.9.2 Release (June 5, 2021)


  • Record camera movement as animation path.
  • Introduced linear and constant keyframe interpolation modes in addition to the default cubic mode.
  • Introduced easing options for keyframes.
  • Added undo & redo support for changing the FPS setting.
  • Added the option to toggle overlays in the render video window.
  • Added support to move timeline indicator to previous and next frames with arrow keys.
  • Introduced the display of frames on the animation path.
  • Added the option to change the background color of orthophotos.
  • Added the option to generate orthophotos with a transparent background.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the issue where the animation path breaks between two keyframes with more than 90-degrees in-between.
  • Fixed interpolation issues between keyframes with a very small rotational angle in-between.
  • Fixed the issue where changing the FPS setting affected the animation length.
  • Fixed an issue that occurred during the cancelation of octree generation.
  • Fixed an issue that occurred when opening a new scene in the inspect mode.
  • Fixed an issue where assigning a material to an object through the Object List context menu did not refresh the Object Inspector


  • Improved zooming in & out of the timeline.
  • Added context menu to the timeline for easily switching between easing options and/or interpolation modes (shortcut available).
  • Changed the notation of image sequence file names.
  • Added context menu to the timeline for updating keyframes (shortcut available).
  • After opening a point cloud, it is automatically selected and its material attributes are displayed.
  • Added option to toggle highlighting of selected point clouds (turned off by default).
  • The Object Inspector shows the name of the selected object.
  • The camera is now animated when focusing on selected objects.
  • The camera is now animated when aligning the camera view.
  • The camera is now animated when setting the pivot point of the orbit controller.
  • The camera is now animated when entering and leaving the inspect mode.
  • Added hints at the bottom of the octree generation progress window.
  • When generating an orthophoto, a world file is created by default.
  • Highlighting the window with the keyboard focus.
  • When entering a window with the mouse, the keyboard focus is automatically transferred to this window.
  • Checking the validity of project folders when opening point clouds.

v.4.9.1 Release (March 5, 2021)


  • Overhauled and upgraded DXF support
  • Introduced point count presets in the Render Video dialogue


  • Improved x-ray visual quality
  • Introduced one-step trial activation 


  • Added user-friendly dialogues for importing referenced models 
  • Added new options to Orthophoto window

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with Avast anti-virus software 
  • Fixed visibility issue of CAD objects (curves and points) in orthophotos 
  • Fixed point loading issues in the orthographic view


  • Removed support for point and text objects in DXF

v.4.9 Release (January 15, 2021)


  • Introduced new display modes: Elevation, Intensity, and Object color
  • Added customizable elevation and intensity ranges
  • Added custom color scales for elevation and intensity display modes
  • Introduced x-ray view with automatic exposure adjustment
  • Introduced shaded-view for all display modes 
  • Added option to create new materials and color scales from the Object Inspector
  • Added option to render videos in the background


  • Improved and stabilized point streaming algorithms
  • Accelerated video render speed up to 4 times
  • Enhanced stability of Orthophoto generation
  • Enhanced stability of Section generation 
  • Improved viewport rendering performance of selected objects


  • Redesigned Editors window
  • Added new Color Scale Editor page in Editors window
  • Display possible mouse actions in the status bar when hovering over Material Editor
  • Added VRAM per tile parameter to Orthophoto generation window
  • Restructured octree-generation messages

Bug fixes

  • Fixed duplicate removal issues in datasets with a large spatial extent 
  • Remove all resources if the octree generation fails 
  • Fixed the drag indicator going over the last keyframe in synced playback mode


  • Replaced the Previous offset option with the more intuitive Reference option
  • Removed support for the beta tiling option in video rendering
  • Omitted drawing of arrows for DXF texts

v.4.8.1 Release (October 14, 2020)


  • Added support for E57 files with spherical coordinates
  • Added the ability to read third-party normal vectors when available in ASCII point cloud formats (XYZ, PTS, TXT). Uncheck Compute Normals to avoid overwriting them.


  • Redesigned point cloud opening progress interface

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed several issues with XYZ & PTS reader 
  • Fixed ambiguity about the use of the SHIFT key in the Camera Animation tool. SHIFT is now used to snap to ruler lines, CTRL for multiple keyframe selection.  
  • Fixed usability of “Previous and Next keyframe” buttons on last and first keyframes. 
  • Fixed updating of timeline scroll for “First and Last frame” actions

v.4.8 Release (September 3, 2020)


  • Added playback at real-time speed 
  • Added customizable resolution setting for video rendering 
  • Added support for different frames-per-second options 
  • Added support to select and edit multiple keyframes at the same time 
  • Added inspection mode to view camera paths 
  • Synched camera view to movements of the timeline indicator
  • Added box selection of objects in viewport


  • Optimized algorithms to generate smooth camera paths and avoid artifacts


  • Updated EULA
  • Discontinued FARO LSPROJ support 
  • Replaced jump-to-target with Set Pivot for camera rotation
  • Switched to a new license verification system
  • Introduced a 3-month subscription 
  • Introduced perpetual licensing


  • Added window-specific commands to Status Bar 
  • Overhauled GUI design

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed camera path corruptions caused by two successive keyframes with the same position but different rotation (simulating a head-turn) while in fly mode
  • Fixed orbit navigation issues following camera animation operations

v.4.7 Release (June 15, 2020)


  • Added keyable actions (cross-sections) for camera animations 
  • Added adjustable camera focal lengths and angle of views
  • Added Render Video presets customized for various use-cases
  • Added variable bitrate encoding for video rendering
  • Added interactive vertical cross-section tool using two points  
  • Added ability to define cross-section planes by copying existing sections
  • Added option to create multiple sections with predefined quantities and intervals 
  • Added support for digital terrain models (.asc)
  • Added walk navigation mode on terrain models


  • Accelerated point cloud processing by up to double the speed 
  • Introduced a more intuitive interactive preview of cross-sections
  • Added customized views of cross-section plane and section preview
  • Enhanced robustness of section creation independent of camera viewpoint and data size
  • Streamlined the switch to shaded view
  • Introduced tiling when generating orthophotos (no need to adjust performance settings prior to the computation)
  • Introduced material assignment by drag & drop
  • Introduced material assignment through Object List
  • Undo & redo support for keyframe related operations
  • Added shortcut (SPACE) to play & pause animation preview
  • Introduced section export as DXF


  • Redesigned Camera Animation window 
  • Redesigned Render Video window 
  • Redesigned Cross Section window 
  • Redesigned Orthophoto window 
  • Updated Render Options for Splat Surface Rendering
  • Introduced default camera objects
  • Moved camera settings from Preferences to Object Inspector

v.4.3.0. Release (January 14, 2020)


  • Added orbit camera controller.
  • Added camera jump tool (transportation to the selected location).
  • Added the option to lock orbit center (created using the Jump tool) directly on the viewport.
  • Selected objects are now highlighted.
  • All object types can be directly selected on the viewport (except reference objects).
  • Added support for DXF blocks and block references.
  • Added support for importing big DXF files as reference.
  • Added progress bar support for DXF import.
  • Added local-space manipulation (for Translation, Rotation, and Scaling tools).
  • Added the option to freely rotate selected objects.
  • Added the option to rotate selected objects along the viewing direction of the camera.


  • Highly optimized curve rendering. Now NUBIGON can render thousands of curves in real-time.


  • Removed mirroring from the Extrusion tool. Instead, added support for negative values.
  • Minor changes in the naming scheme of Object List items.
  • Join and Explode tools delete the input curves.
  • Curves to be joined do not need to have the same parent item in the Object List.
  • Polylines are now joined to a polyline (not to a compound curve).
  • Removed master group of imported DXF layers.
  • Dragging and dropping objects (in the Object List) does not change world-space positions.
  • CAD objects and extrusion meshes are now created as top-level Object List items (without a parent item).
  • Axes of the scaling manipulator can be dragged.
  • Updated the display of light sources.
  • It’s not required to select point clouds before using the Cleaning tool on them.
  • Curve control points are now shown as small squares (instead of spheres).
  • Added shortcut (F2) for renaming Object List items.
  • Automatic focus onto opened point clouds.
  • Cross-section tool parameters are now saved within scene files.
  • Predefined camera views act on selected objects.
  • Added shortcuts for top, side and front camera views.


  • Added Tool window for manipulation settings.
  • Removed Align and Focus Tool windows.
  • Updated Preferences window (Settings tab).
  • Redesigned Home tab.
  • Enabled Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts (was previously disabled).

Bug Fixes

  • DXF files exported from NUBIGON can now be opened in Sketchup.
  • The disappearance of the 2D curve icon when loading scene files has been fixed.
  • A 2D polyline is now exploded into 2D lines.
  • Fixed pivot-point editing of multiple objects.
  • Fixed major rendering performance issues.
  • Fixed the issue with panning speed in orthographic camera view.
  • Fixed the issue of the non-smooth switching between perspective and orthographic camera views.
  • Fixed the issue with zooming speed in orthographic camera view.
  • Fixed the issue of clipping scene parts in orthographic camera view.
  • Fixed performance issues in orthographic camera view.
  • Fixed the issue of show bookmark not restoring orthographic view parameters properly.
  • Fixed cleaning of transformed point clouds.

v.4.2.1. Release (October 10, 2019)


  • Sketchfab upload now supports octrees with less than 5 million points.


  • Added a warning page to the installer about a possible device restart.
  • Automatic assignment of surface materials when opening octrees.


  • Import switches Home tab to Viewport tab.
  • Project Manager no longer switches Home tab to Viewport tab.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the issue where annotations colored by the color of their parents.


  • Added a warning page to the installer about a possible device restart.

v.4.2.0. Release (September 18, 2019)


  • Added the option to edit the text of the selected annotation in the Object Inspector.
  • Added Align Camera tool.
  • Added visual feedback to set cross-section plane from three points.
  • Added Gamepad support (Tested with Xbox One controller only).
  • Improved OBJ loader to support non-manifold edges.
  • Added exporting point clouds as LAS files.
  • Added uploading point clouds to Sketchfab.
  • Added support for point cloud decimation.
  • Added project folders management.
  • Added support for changing temporary files location of the current project.
  • Added support for the latest FARO SCENE Project files (*.lsproj).
  • Added support for offsetting DXF and OBJ files into local coordinates during import.
  • Added support to export DXF and OBJ files in global coordinates.
  • Added a button to toggle the visibility of polygons in Surface Modeling.
  • Added drawing holes on the selected polygon in Surface Modeling.
  • Added support to edit, clone and delete holes in Surface Modeling.
  • Added triangulating of polygons with holes in Surface Modeling.
  • Added the option to remove duplicate points during octree generation.


  • Materials stored as part of a scene file.
  • Normal computation is a part of the octree generation.
  • Automatic assignment of surface materials is a part of the octree generation.
  • E57 scan positions are calculated in chunks.


  • Added Home screen.
  • Added Visual feedback in surface material settings when point clouds or octrees do not have normal vectors.
  • Added custom import&export file dialogs.
  • Restructured Surface Modeling window.
  • Restructured progress bar of octree generation.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed numerical issues in cross-section plane definition.
  • Loaded 2D sections preserve their planarity.
  • Fixed the issue where users couldn’t leave the fullscreen mode by pressing the Esc key.
  • Fixed the issue where the progress bar disappeared by pressing the Esc key but the progress continued.

v.4.1.1. Release (June 05, 2019)


  • Added generating octrees from multiple E57 files.
  • Added generating octrees from colorless E57 files.
  • Added the option to skip colorless scan positions of E57 files.
  • Added support for the latest FARO SCENE Project files (*.lsproj).
  • Added support for MTL (material) files (for OBJ files).
  • Added specular reflection support for phong illumination materials.
  • Added support for PNG texture format.


  • Simplified octree generation settings.


  • Change the color of all selected layers simultaneously.
  • Change visibility of all selected objects (and recursively of their children) simultaneously.
  • Extended selection support in the Material Editor.
  • Simultaneous editing of selected fields of Transform Attributes group.
  • Progress bar support for mesh import.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a crash issue when computing a loft mesh from circles with a small tesselation count.
  • Fixed a crash issue when deleting curves.
  • Fixed issues when joining and exploding curves with children objects.
  • Default materials are always on top of the Material Editor.
  • Fixed compatibility issues of scene files (*.na) generated in NUBIGON v4.0.1 and later.
  • Save Scene supports point clouds and sections again.
  • Fixed a delay issue when deleting many objects.
  • Fixed point cloud import and octree generation issues when file extensions are written in uppercase.
  • Fixed save scene issues when importing point clouds or meshes into the scene from a hard drive other than the one NUBIGON is installed on.

v.4.1.0. Release (April 23, 2019) 


  • Added support for E57 files.
  • Added exporting screenshots in TIFF, JPG, BMP, PNG formats.
  • Added exporting camera animations as image sequences in TIFF, JPG, BMP, PNG formats.
  • Added a wider range of offset vector options.
  • Improved octree generation, now it is up to five times faster.
  • Added the option to force 8-bit colors for LAS files
  • Added orthophoto tool (TIFF export).
  • Added annotation tool.
  • Added exporting annotations to DXF.
  • Added the point object.
  • Added exporting points to DXF.
  • Added the option to jump to the center of selected objects with Focus.


  • Every object type can now be used as a parent of other objects.
  • Camera animation keyframes are stored in the NUBIGON scene file.


  • Rearranged items in Main Menu.
  • Added displaying global or local coordinates to Status Bar.
  • Added Tool window to adjust parameters of the active tool.
  • Improved Console window messages.